Prepatory Activities of the Disinfection Exercise
Disinfection of the main pipeline and the pumping Station
Prepatory Activities of the Disinfection Exercise
- Public information campaign was conducted on Monday 13th June by HWA using different media channels.
- All DN600 washout valves along the main pipeline were opened and DN 400 drain valves closed
- All bolts and nuts were tightened well
- All isolating valves of each air valve along the main pipeline was opened and bolts and nuts tightened
- Cleaning of all valve chambers was done and the water inside pumped out
Commencement of the Disinfection Test
Razel Water Solutions, 3NM in close collaboration with HWA and UN Habitat conducted a full disinfection test for the main pipe DN600 which is approximately 23km long.
The disinfection has started on 14th June and continued until 15th June 2022. Although there were limited bursts in some of the chambers in the beginning, the HWA technicians have managed to repair on time.
Approximately, 6,500 m3 of water was used to fill the main pipeline and around 52,000 liters of diesel was consumed by the generators.
Flushing of the Wastewater from the Pipe
HWA laboratory has tested the concentration of chlorine in the pipe and found it to be extremely above the permissible level for the drinking water. Thus, HWA teams have started the flushing of the wastewater from the drain pipe in the chambers. This activity is expected to be completed in the coming few days.
Commissioning of the New Pumping Station
The new pumping station is fully operational and ready to be officially commissioned in August 2022 but yet fewer finishing works have to be finalized before then by HWA and the Contractor.